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Zheng, J., Nishida, Y., Okrasinska, A., Bonito, G., Heath-Heckman, E.A.C., Liu, K. 2023. The Impact of Species Tree Estimation Error on Cophylogenetic Reconstruction. doi: 10.1145/3584371.3612964


Stolarski, J., Drake, J., Coronado, I., Vieira, A., Radwańska, U., Heath-Heckman, E.A.C., Mazur, M., Guo, J., Meibom, A. 2023. First Paleoproteome Study of Fossil Fish Otoliths and the Pristine Preservation of the Biomineral Crystal Host. Scientific Reports. doi: 10.1038/S41598-023-30537-8


Baden, T., Biseño, J., Coffing, G., et al. 2023. Cephalod-omics: Emerging Fields and Technologies in Cephalopod Biology. 2023. Integrative and Comparative Biology. doi: 10.1093/ICB/ICAD087




Heath-Heckman, E., Nishiguchi, M.K. 2021. Leveraging Short-Read Sequencing to Explore the Genomics of Sepiolid Squid. Integr Comp Biol. doi: 10.1093/icb/icab152.


Bennett, G.M., Heath-Heckman, E, and Sogin, E.M.  2021. Finding Needles in Haystacks and Inferring Their Function: Challenges and Successes in Beneficial Symbiosis Research. mSystems. doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00243-21.


Heath-Heckman, E.A.C., Yoo, S., Pellegrino, M., Angstadt, J., Bautista, D., Fernandez De Miguel, F., and Weisblat, D. 2021. Transcriptional Profiling of Identified Neurons in Leech.  BMC Genomics.




Kuo, D-H., De-Miguel, F., Heath-Heckman, E., Szczupak, L., Todd, K., Weisblat, D., and Winchell, C. 2020. A Tale of Two Leeches: toward the Understanding of the Evolution and Development of Behavioral Neural Circuits. Evol. Dev.




Kim, R.C., Le, D., Ma, K., Heath-Heckman, E.A.C., Whitehorn, N., Kristan, W.B., and Weisblat, D.A. 2019. Behavioral Analysis of Substrate Texture Preference in a Leech, Helobdella austinensis. J. Comp. Physiol A. 205(2):191-202




Kremer, N., Koch, E., El Filali, A., Zhou, L., Heath-Heckman, E.A.C., Ruby, E., and McFall-Ngai, M. 2018. Persistent interactions with bacterial symbionts directs mature host cell morphology and gene expression in the squid-vibrio symbiosis. mSystems. 3(5).




Nawroth, J.C., Guo, H., Koch, E., Heath-Heckman, E.A.C., Hermanson, J.C., Ruby, E.G., Dabiri, J.O., Kanso, E., and McFall-Ngai, M. 2017. Motile Cilia Create Fluid-Mechanical Microhabitats for the Active Recruitment of the Host Microbiome.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 114(36): 9510-9516.


Peyer, S.M., Heath-Heckman, E.A.C., and McFall-Ngai, M.J.  2017. Characterization of the Cell Polarity Gene Crumbs During the Early Development and Maintenance of the Squid-Vibrio Light Organ Symbiosis.  Dev. Genes. Evol. 227(6):375-387.




Heath-Heckman, E.A.C.  2016. The Metronome of Symbiosis: Interactions Between Microbes and the Host Circadian Clock. Integr Comp Biol. 56(5): 776-783.


Heath-Heckman, E.A.C., Foster, J., Apicella, M.A., Goldman, W.E., McFall-Ngai, M. 2016. Environmental cues and Symbiont MAMPs function in concert to drive the daily remodeling of the crypt-cell brush border of the Eupryma scolopes light organ. Cell Microbiol. 18(11): 1642-1652.




Schwartzman J., Koch E., Heath-Heckman E.A.C., Zhou L., Kremer N., McFall-Ngai M., and Ruby E.  2015. The chemistry of negotiation: Rhythmic, glycan-driven acidification in a symbiotic conversation.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 112(2):566-71.




Heath-Heckman, E.A.C.*, Gillette, A.A.*, Augustin, R., Gillette M.X., Apicella, M.A., Goldman, W.E., McFall-Ngai, M.J. 2014. Shaping the microenvironment: evidence for the influence of a host galaxin on symbiont acquisition and maintenance in the squid-vibrio symbiosis. Environ Microbiol. 16(12):3669-82.



Koropatnick, T., Goodson, M. S., Heath-Heckman, E.A.C., and McFall-Ngai, M.  2014. Identifying the cellular mechanisms of symbiont-induced epithelial morphogenesis in the squid-vibrio association. Biol. Bull. 226(1):56-68.




Heath-Heckman, E.A.C., S.M. Peyer, C.A. Whistler, M.A. Apicella, W.E. Goldman, and M.J. McFall-Ngai. 2013. Bacterial bioluminescence regulates expression of a host cryptochrome gene in the squid-vibrio symbiosis. mBio 4(2):e00167-13.


Kremer, N.K., Philipp, E., Charpentier, M-C., Brennan, C., Kraemer, L., Altura, M.A., Augustin, R., Haesler, R., Heath-Heckman, E.A.C., et al.  2013. Initial symbiont contact orchestrates organ-wide transcriptional changes that prime tissue colonization. Cell Host Microbe 14(2): 183-194


Altura, M.A., Heath-Heckman, E.A.C., Gillette, A.A., Kremer, N., Krachler, A-M., Brennan, C., Ruby, E.G., Orth, K., and McFall-Ngai, M.J. 2013. The first engagement of partners in the Euprymna scolopes – Vibrio fischeri symbiosis is a two-step process initiated by a few environmental symbiont cells. Environ. Microbiol. 15(11): 2937-2950.


Chaston, J.M., Murfin, K.E., Heath-Heckman, E.A.C., and Goodrich-Blair, H. 2013. Previously unrecognized stages of species-specific colonization in the mutualism between Xenorhabdus bacteria and Steinernema nematodes. Cell. Microbiol. 15(9): 1545-1559.




McFall-Ngai, M.J., Heath-Heckman, E.A.C., Gillette, A.A., Peyer, S.M., and Harvie, E.A. 2012. The secret languages of coevolved symbioses: insights from the Euprymna scolopes – Vibrio fischeri symbiosis. Semin. Immunol. 24(1): 3-8.


Mandel, M.J., Schaefer, A.L., Brennan, C.A., Heath-Heckman, E.A.C., Deloney-Marino, C.R., McFall-Ngai, and M.J., Ruby, E.G. 2012. Squid-derived chitin oligosaccharides are a chemotactic signal during colonization by Vibrio fischeri. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 78(13): 4620-4626.    




Heath-Heckman, E.A.C., and McFall-Ngai, M.J. 2011. The occurrence of chitin in the hemocytes of invertebrates. Zoology (Jena). 114(4): 191-198.







Michigan State University

© 2020 by Elizabeth Heath-Heckman.


Euprymna images from Kahi Kai Images:

Lab logo, schematics, and comics: © Ellie Camerato

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